Westwood Bankruptcy Attorneys

Filing Bankruptcy Chapter 7 in Westwood


Is there a skilled Westwood bankruptcy attorney that can come to me?

Yes. We're aware of the unique needs of the UCLA students, faculty and employees. Times are tough for Bruin students. Plus, we know that if you're attending class at UCLA on campus, chances are that you don't have transportation to go outside of Westwood Village. We'll arrange a free consultation. A bankruptcy lawyer will come and visit with you, right there in Westwood.

Do I have to be concerned about where the Westwood bankruptcy court is?

Not at all. We'll help you with that. There is no bankruptcy court in Westwood. We'll tell you all you need to know when you have your one court date. There will likely be only one meeting with your creditors if you file Chapter 7, and your bankruptcy attorney will be there with you.

Ok, so how do I contact these UCLA bankruptcy lawyers in Westwood?

Please fill out the information in the form below, and one of our Westwood bankruptcy attorneys will get in touch with you shortly.

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hear of us?

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